More: Dragon Age Inquisition Best Armor The Masterwork Spiked Longbow SchematicĪ rugged choice for a Rogue’s bow weapon is the Masterwork Spiked Longbow. Its Damage slot is 22 Metal, its first Utility slot is 6 Cloth, its Offensive slot is 8 Cloth, and its second Utility slot is 6 Cloth. It can only be used by Mages and it has empty Grip and Staff Blade upgrade slots. It also has a Damage value of 71 in Tier 4, and that applies to its Cold, Fire, and Electricity elemental effects. When equipped with a Tier 4 Dragon Bone metal, the Masterwork Archon Staff has a Damage Per Second (DPS) of 115. After “Track Spies in Vyrantium”, you will acquire the staff. When you finish, go back to the War Table and complete missions starting with “Failed Assassination Attempt Inquiry”. There, you must sacrifice the Chargers in the middle of a fight with the Venatori. In the “ Demands of the Qun” quest (at the Storm Coast), you will have the Ben-Hassrath meeting with Iron Bull. Become friends with Iron Bull, kill one High Dragon (or more), and meet the Chargers. The staff is part of the Iron Bull quest line found in the Skyhold War Table. Elemental damage is no good for armor penetration, so you are going to have to use something else - the Masterwork Archon Staff Schematic. But if you are planning to use it with all Tier 4 Dragon components, its high Armor Penetration capabilities (+40% or more) become moot. The Seer Staff seems like one of the best weapons when it comes to Mage staves in Dragon Age: Inquisition. But which arms are really the best? Here are some of the best weapons in Dragon Age: Inquisition. This goes for whether you are ready to face Corypheus, or just out there fighting Demons.

Whether you’re ready to rid Thedas of Red Templars or vanquish some Venatori, you are going to need some good weapons.