If you already own vanilla MKX, a game that I reviewed earlier this year, you can upgrade to MKXL for $19.99. Price and Characters You can get MKXL in one of two ways. I dislike the idea of paying more money for PC content released long after the console version, but it's hard not to love the "new" additions. Thankfully, that changed with the Mortal Kombat XL update, a version of MKX that gives PC gamers all the extras that console-based fight fans have enjoyed for some time now. However, the High Voltage Studios-ported PC game received zero post-launch support, much to the dismay of hardcore Mortal Kombat fans. When NeatherRealm Studios released Mortal Kombat X to consoles in 2015, the game continued to evolve via free and paid updates that added characters, balanced the roster, and improved the online play.