His earlier “information” was to attack my position and giving his subjective opinion about the subject that he felt was objective. He started to troll me and kept on trolling until the end. As more information was being delivered, no new information was emitting from him at all.

He’s a nice guy! We laughed together at how intense the debate became, and when it was all said and done, both of us agreed that we had a great time during the post. Even though that I was attacked, the one who conceded their position at the end, ended up becoming my friend on Steam. It not only did it achieve what the topic desired, but it filled in any holes (additional questions) that wouldn’t have been asked otherwise. Then when you got the last link, (the info that completely answered your initial question of the post, the post, was complete. Then by virtue of the definition of F2P is, how does that definition apply the game in question. First I needed to solidify that each and every table was a game in and of itself. PinballFX2 is a difficult topic to breakdown into a definition. When I have an opponent that attacks me, usually I have to fill in the holes the person is attacking with more info. As a warning not to directly assault my person because I can return insults just as effectively. I even posted the fact that “if you are civil with me, I’ll be civil with you”. I only responded to their verbal assaults on me personally.

Personally, I wouldn’t have banned any of the others that ruthlessly attacked me.

Many people cannot tolerate intense debates for this reason. The more emotion that is displayed, the more interesting the debate becomes. The stronger and more resistant to my position the opponent is, the more detailed the debate becomes. (besides the fact that I research the topic thoroughly, before I enter into a debate) Without that opposition, much of the detail that did come out wouldn’t have otherwise, and you would have been left in the dark about those issues. In my vast experience with debates, if I take on a complex situation, (and the thread was complex) I require someone that is going to attack my position ruthlessly. I’m kind of disappointed that I was banned from Steam forums.Īfter all is said and done, the thread where the battle ensued to its final outcome achieved its purpose that altered the brief status away from which PinballFX2 adopted in error.