Imagine you are wandering freely in a world of your own. Gaming has emerged as a separate field and today it has a prime importance for us. Developing technology has given us the field of “ Gaming”. Our lives are full of innovation these days. We cannot see a single thing in our everyday life that does not involve technology. Science and technology have changed our lives completely. It has taken us into a completely new world.

Find an immortal person and sneak attack them repeatedly and watch the levels rise fast.Technology is at its best now a day. I also found that, if you're only power-leveling for perks, then Sneak levels you up the fastest. Basically it's your Heavy Armor wearing, shield and sword specializing, Restoration/Alteration tank class made better if you use a Breton for it's innate magic resistance and the fact that they are the best defensive race in the game) up to about level 6 for some early perks and have found that I can crush most enemies pretty easily with basic weapons, but it's not a total walk through the park, and you actually seem to level up quicker if you play the game normally than if you power level. I semi-power leveled my current Paladin class character (a build I seem to have invented since I haven't seen anyone anywhere mention anything close to it.

Fully upgraded and you're doing 900+ damage with the Backstab and Assassin's Blade perks and the Shrouded Gloves armor. Since the Blade of Woe's enchantments get stronger as you level up, the game becomes one where you can one hit kill anything except dragons and dragon priests even with a base level of the weapon. But I found a new Assassin build and let me tell you that if you get the Blade of Woe, power leveling will break the game for you.

My only problem was with any allies I had with me, and I had insufficient gear in the rare cases I was detected. I power leveled a stealth character, and the game wasn't bad actually. Spells took far too long to kill anything until I got the Adept spells at least and forget it if I was forced into melee combat. For example, I power leveled a destruction mage and the game was awful. I've done the power leveling tricks (by the way, this is old news) and I find that it's a mixed blessing depending on your character type and gear.