Well, their Create-A-Soul is the best character creation in any fighting game, so they should definately keep that feature and keep improving on it! I'll be sitting in my corner enjoying the HD remake of SC II otherwise, I'm buying another Soul Calibur game. Once a developer sees they can do that, they usually don't turn back. They are going to do it again because they figured out they can still sell games while being lazy.

They put far too much effort into an online experience. Then they released V and they made that game for pure online play. Now compared to the story driving single player modes in the installments before, that was disappointing. Maybe if there was more thought to it like explore the rooms in said tower or a way to see your progress other than okay ascend. I'm counting that weird thing they did in SCIII and yes they had that dumb tower in the 4th installment but it sucked. To be honest, the reason I don't care is the fact they haven't listened to players wanting good single player content for two games now. I would be excited if they put thought into their single player experience, make a good game, and bring back Talim or someone with the same fighting style as her, otherwise I don't care.

I wasn't a big fan of Tower of Lost Souls but yeah, if they they had something similar to the challenge tower, that would be neat. And if they really wanted to bring in these replacements, they could offer them as DLC and definitely let them have their own unique style. It would have been cool if they kept the original characters and added in Zwei and Viola as the two new characrer like how in 4, Hilde and Algol were new. I really hope they take some ideas because at this rate, the only reason I'd be getting Soul Calibur is for the character creation since the story is messed up now and I'm not feeling the characters that much other than Viola and Zwei. I especially don't like how even the movesets are more dumb down than they were n V. And I had hopes for Lost Swords because for one, I thought it would have character creation and two, I thought it would be a makeup for SCV but boy was it a stinker. Yeah, SCV was a letdown for sure and I would have rather waited for it's price to drop had I known what I was in store for.