Instead, you’ll need to actually travel to specific points on the map and then use them to fast travel to other points around the city. Much like The Witcher 3, fast travel in Cyberpunk 2077 isn’t actually applicable from anywhere on the map. If you don’t feel like cruising the streets of Night City and want to get places a little bit faster, then you can learn how to fast travel pretty early on. Added all three brothels fast travel points (Crippled Kate's, Passiflora, Belles of Beauclair).Fast traveling is a staple in open-world games and Cyberpunk 2077 is no different. Added Grandmaster Smith fast travel point in Toussaint.

(Geralt/camera should face the direction of the intended destination now.). Tweaked Geralt's teleport position and rotation for all custom fast travel points. This also incidentally fixes the vanilla 'Crow's Perch' fast travel sign name and description.). Changed 'Baron's Castle' fast travel point to 'Yoana.' (She deserves the recognition like Hattori! The Witcher 3 Fast Travel Anywhere (He was an unimportant journeyman smith.).

Removed Oxenfurt blacksmith fast travel point. The Witcher 3's Console Commands and Cheats for PC enable players to activate God Mode, spawn monsters, play as different characters, create items at will, and much more.Hundreds of new cheats are. Like the sign posts though you are going to have to search for them and they are everywhere. Once you have an anchor unlocked just use your map and click the anchor to travel to it. The boat travel points are anchors instead of signs. While you are in a boat you can just travel to any of the fast travel points you have unlocked for boats. Thanks Gopher for including my mod in his video (Fast Travel from Anywhere begins at 7:13). It works if you are in the middle of the wilderness and don't feel like traveling to a signpost a billion lightyears away. This mod allows you to fast travel to a signpost no matter where you are. To fast travel in vanilla you must be near a signpost.